Without Paying a Weight: The 7 Ways to Get Free Cryptocurrencies

2 min readMay 5, 2022

It is possible to make digital currencies without having to pay money

Cryptocurrencies are in vogue and more and more investors are encouraged to enter this world. Obviously, the easiest way to obtain cryptocurrencies is to buy them. But there are ways to acquire them without spending money (at least not directly).

Many exchange platforms offer, as a welcome, a small amount of cryptocurrencies. This is the easiest way to obtain these coins without having to pay for them. Among the exchanges that grant cryptocurrencies in exchange for registration are Gemini, Celsius or crypto.com.

These platforms also offer interest for keeping the coins deposited there. The return ranges from 8.05% to 14.5% per year.

It is not entirely free, as it requires energy expenditure, but you can choose cryptos that use the Proof of State (PoS) protocol. Those who own this type of currency can be validators (miners) and earn income by staking their cryptocurrencies. ARK is one of the cryptocurrencies used by PoS.

Although non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are not cryptocurrencies, they can be exchanged for digital currencies. In other words, another good system is to get a free NFT and then convert it into digital currencies.

There is also the option of becoming a cryptocurrency loan lender. This way, the interest generated will be earned in digital currency. This can be done on sites like Aave, which is presented as “a decentralized, non-custodial liquidity market protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers.”

When a new cryptocurrency is launched, it is common for its creators to airdrop and distribute digital coins in order to gain publicity. Airdrops are like giveaways, and developers often use them to reward early backers of a project, while drawing attention to more support.

There are cards like Lemon that offer digital currency rewards to their users. In this way, for purchases made, a refund is made in cryptocurrency.

There are pages where, in exchange for completing different tasks, they provide cryptocurrencies, such as FaucetCrypto. This site requires you to complete tasks such as viewing full ads on web pages, filling out surveys, registering on websites, playing games, or simply clicking a button.

Originally published at https://www.reddit.com.




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