Course on cryptocurrencies at the University of Colombia

2 min readJul 12, 2022


Course on cryptocurrencies at Universidad de Colombia and will cover the following topics: regulation, market and basic concepts.

Phemex, a cryptocurrency exchange, will hold classes to educate about everything related to the cryptoactive ecosystem, in alliance with the Universidad Central de Colombia.

The university course called “The Future of Technology and Cryptocurrencies in Colombia” will begin on August 13. The training will be provided by the exchange and will last for 3 sessions of 4 hours each, starting at 9am.

The course will cover 3 central axes:

  • Introduction to cryptocurrencies.
  • Introduction to the cryptoactive market.
  • Regulations of digital assets.

Questions such as:

Are starting to become a reality in the Latin American community and the Colombian market.

For the Asian-based exchange, the cryptocurrency ecosystem has proven to be one of the industries with “highest growth levels.” For this reason, they consider that education and knowledge about cryptoactive trading “has started to become one of the main needs of consumers.”

The Phemex initiative is part of a training and education plan that has been implemented since its arrival on Latin American soil. Betting on learning and knowledge as supreme values, understanding that training is the most powerful tool for people to invest in knowledge.

“Often the anxiety to start trading cryptocurrencies overcomes users, and the desperation to be able to start buying and selling cryptocurrencies leads them to do so without knowing what it really means to buy or sell digital assets. Operating within the cryptocurrency ecosystem is serious business.”

- Sebastián Cuadros, business development manager for Latin America at Phemex.

Phemex has an important section on its website with all kinds of content for advanced, intermediate and beginner users, where they can find information to get started in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

In this way, Phemex has begun to position itself as one of the most important exchanges in the world. Undoubtedly, it will be a matter of months before it is one of the largest exchange platforms in Latin America.

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